Career Assistance
Quaqua posts contact information for commercial entities, educational entities, and individuals who actively seek to hire, recruit, mentor, or otherwise engage the participation of home-educated graduates. Quaqua usually posts contact information only for those organizations and individuals who write to Quaqua, specifically request to be listed in this manner, and provide the necessary information.

Quaqua also posts free job-search and career planning tools of general applicability, which would be of help to alternative educators.


Non-Profit, Education, and Aid Organizations

Davidson Institute for Talent Development

Forte International Exchange Association

Grameen Bank for the Poor (micro-credit)

Lied Discovery Children's Museum

Students in Free Enterprise

Sutherland Institute


General Job-Search Databases

America's Job Bank




Findlaw Career Center


Job Opportunities in US Armed Forces


Riley Guide–International Job Opportunities


Information for Job Hunters

Career Journal

Career Journal -- Resumes

Information for Entrepreneurs

Navigating and Printing from this Site

Quaqua provides this directory as an uncompensated service, upon which no individual or entity is entitled to contractually or detrimentally rely. Quaqua reserves the right to add, maintain, or remove contact information in its sole discretion and with no inference of a representation or opinion from Quaqua about the other organizations or individuals at issue. Quaqua has performed no investigation of the entities or individuals and does not endorse, warrant, or guarantee an organization or individual, or their operations or products or policies, by listing contact information as a general service to the home-education community. Additionally, the fact that an organization is listed does not signify that the organization is endorsing Quaqua, Quaqua's operations, or any or all of Quaqua's policies and values.